Wednesday, 11 July 2007

What do I do when I feel shattered

Breaking-up with a close friend is not my cup of tea. I have spent an entire week brooding over the fact that I can never talk with that friend normally again.

Its hard for me to get over it (I never will). I have been maintaining a very brave face in front of my family. Not giving away a hint of what I am going through.

But at the same time, I must thank a few souls who have been my moral support and a pillar of strength. Thank you so much . I am not going to mention any names here. I want to maintain anonymity. They have been with me, and will be with me till....


Ganesh said...

well you did right, i mean by writing it out... it feels good, at least i feel so... got u from mahesh's blog... blog is well maintained and the ganesh ji is worth stealing ;)

Jaishree said...

heya Ganesh,
thank you for dropping in, yes I agree that writing can be a good option to vent it out, especially, when the person u parted with was the one with whom u wished to share ur thoughts. Its a good substitute, but can never take the place of that person

And as for the Ganesh ji, I was trying to fiddle with coreldraw, and this is a creation I came up with :)